Episode 37 with Jason Duke’s Captain Chair’s Coaching

Jason was my coach during my time at Accomplishment Coaching and after the year long program was over. As the founder and CEO of Captain’s Chair Coaching (http://captains-chair.com), Jason focuses on empowering visionaries who have decided they are the chosen one in their industry and/or market and they are committed to creating a revolution. Jason […]

Where you find all of my podcast episodes

Davidson and Qianna’s life coaching podcast Dreamweaver’s business and career breakthroughs podcast Extraordinary Ordinary People podcast Reddit Sales and business development – career progression Podcast

What I have learned from 10,000+ Linkedin Connections

Kaizen Coaching

I have spent my whole life networking and meeting others. I just love meeting people and learning something new everyday. I would it’s a crazy Obsession the want and need to meet people. I do get energy from it. I was at an Ivy event once and people say man you are the most extroverted […]

What I have learned so far on my 1000 books journey. 9/2/17

Kaizen Coaching

I never thought of myself as a smart person. I always felt like in school I was always behind and I was never good at studying/ taking exams.  I actually had an experience where someone in my IB Physics class said I don’t have a thirst for knowledge because I didn’t want to skip my […]