Finding your own Northstar- claiming the life you were meant to live

These are quotes from Martha Beck’s book. I really enjoy reading it so far.

Highly recommended for anyone looking to gain more insights into their spirituality and how you can live a much more fulfilling and authentic life.

“Once you’re on course, you’ll discover that change, in the form of growth and forward progress, is an intrinsic and unalterable component of a fulfilling existence. As any good Buddhist will tell you, the only way to find permanent joy is by embracing the fact that nothing is permanent.”

“Your essential self was the part of you that cracked your first baby smile; your social self-noticed how much Mommy loved that smile, and later reproduced it at exactly the right moment to convince her to lend you the down payment on a condo. You still have both responses. Sometimes you smile involuntarily, out of amusement or silliness or joy, but many of your smiles are based purely on social convention.”

“The best way to make your fortune in today’s economic climate is to master the spontaneous, creative “not-doing” of the essential self.”



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